High Beam

Every time we drive, and the road gets foggy, or blurry road, we turn our high beam up.

I remember when I was still a young driver, and I have to pick my brother-in-law from his friend's place. At that, I was not experienced on driving, and does not have confidence to drive. The fact that, no one will pick him up and my sister was at work. I had the duty to go and pick him up. Anyway, as I was driving, I was doing 60 in 80 zone, and 80 in 100 zone, this is because I am not confident enough to go at the right speed, and scared at the same time. Then at last, I have arrived where he was. As I was driving back home, I realised that the road was foggy, and I thought "Oh no, I forgot how to put my high beam down". I don't want to tell my brother-in-law that I don't know how to put it down, because I was like "I will prove to him that I am good". I tried to reach whatever lever I can reach for 5 minutes, then found it. It was hard looking for something while driving. I was not able to focus on the road. But If I have asked my brother-in-law straight away, I wont be experiencing those 5 minutes of looking for the right lever.

We are thought to put our high beam when we don't see what we will be driving on. Our journey is something like driving. We are driving until we ran out of gas. But God have us the high beam to see if there are trees blocking the road or any challenges we will encounter on this journey. Putting your high beam up, is like taking advantage the road so you can see what's further. God gave is the bible, where we have these promises that we all going to heaven. And thats why if we put our high beam up, we can see and we can go the right path, we might see some blockage but we can still see we are we going.

It says in John. John 14:6 New International Version (NIV) Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. We are informed that He is the way, the truth and the life.

We know where we are going. We know how our life is gonna be if we follow that path. But sometimes, that doesn't happen, when we got lost and went in the wrong road. Every holiday we do, like if we are going somewhere far, or overseas, we plan our way there for months or weeks or days. If we go to a journey without preparation, there are lot of probability that we can get lost. But how can we prepare this journey? Our life is already a journey, but the difference is we have to prepare and go at the same time.

God says in Isaiah 40:10 So don't worry, because I am with you. Don't be afraid, because I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you; I will support you with my right hand that saves you 

So do not worry. Continue your journey with your light beams up. You know where to go. If you pull over, don't worry cause Jesus is your God and He will help you and make you strong. If you see anyone struggling on the road, teach them how to put their beams up and to keep going. Share it so they can help others.



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